Compassionate Estate Guidance From Our Family to Yours LET'S GET STARTED


Common Misconceptions About Probate

Estate planning can feel overwhelming, especially when faced with the prospect of probate. Many individuals planning their estates or seeking legal advice have misconceptions about probate

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Estate Planning When You’re Single

Everyone has a legacy that deserves a plan. For single or divorced individuals, proper planning is critical to ensure that their long-term wishes are respected, their assets are managed according to their preferences, and their loved ones are cared for.

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Understanding the Most Common Types of Trusts

Setting up a trust is an important part of estate planning. If you want to ensure your assets are handled and shared just the way you want, a trust is the way to go.

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What Happens to My Retirement Account When I Die

Planning for the inevitable is a critical aspect of financial management, ensuring that your hard-earned assets are distributed according to your wishes upon your passing.

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Estate Planning for Disabled Beneficiaries

Facing the future with a disabled loved one can be both uncertain and intimidating. It's a path that requires not just love and patience, but also strategic planning to ensure their needs are met, their dignity is respected, and their quality of life is enhanced to the fullest possible extent.

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Is Your Inheritance Taxable?

When it comes to an inheritance, we know you're dealing with highly personal and possibly emotional circumstances, and the last thing you want to worry about is whether Uncle Sam is going to dip his hand into your newly acquired assets. The world of estate law and taxes is complicated, but you don't have to go it alone.

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LGBTQ+ Couples and the Importance of Estate Planning

The Supreme Court's decision in 2015 guaranteeing same-sex couples the right to marry was a significant step forward for the LGBTQ+ community. It meant more than just the affirmation of love—it opened up access to federal benefits and made navigating legal processes like estate planning more streamlined.

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Estate Planning With a Non-Citizen Spouse

Today, many American citizens are married to individuals born in another country. According to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, about 21% of all married-couple households in the United States have at least one foreign-born spouse.

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Estate Planning for a Blended Family

We all know families can be a complicated social group to be a part of, but also one of the most fulfilling. As our lives get more complicated, so can our family structures, especially for those who remarry and start a blended family.

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Understanding Pour-Over Wills

According to a 2023 survey by, two out of every three Americans don’t have any kind of estate plan documents in place. Even though drafting a will is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your loved ones are taken care of, it’s shocking how many people haven’t done so.

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